June 17, 2012

June 16, 2012  Day 36                                 Total miles to date:  791.11

We left our quiet anchorage at the Lake Champlain Mariner’s Museum and headed up the quiet, winding, and narrow Otter Creek seven miles to Vergennes. We had to share the creek with many little fishing boats out early on Saturday morning. We later learned there is a 3 day fishing tournament going on!  We finally arrived in Vergennes and traveling the seven miles practically in idle. We are tied up on a free dock wall on the creek near a waterfall. 

We took our customary walk into town (up a hill!) and had lunch at a little café. We also visited the library and checked out their local history room since Joyce’s ancestors were here in 1810.  One interesting thing we noticed is that the secondary language signage here is all in French – not Spanish. We are getting close to Canada!

We walked back down the other side of the creek to say hello to Loopers Marc and Michele on Marc’s Ark.  We could not tie up by them because of the fishermen occupying the space!  Later in the afternoon, another Looper boat, His Idea docked in front of us. John and Ria are from Vancouver, and after buying their boat in FL, began the loop from there.  We enjoyed talking with them!
We cooked steaks on the grill and later invited some local residents onboard to see our boat. We had a very nice visit with them.  We decided to stay here on Sunday and get some cleaning done! The fenders definitely need attention after going through the locks. 
Going up Otter Creek to Vergennes
Carried Away at free wall
We are here!

Did we say we are in Vermont?

He wants to win this tournament!
Love the archtitecture of the Library!

The waterfall on Otter Creek near our dock