June 27, 2012

June 25, 2012  Day 45                                 Total miles to date:  906.91

We had planned to explore Chambly a little more this morning, but needed to plan our departure around the lock openings.  Linda and Joyce did have time to walk to the grocery store for provisions before we “unrafted” our boats at the lock wall. The locks at Chambly are a series of three locks that are entered one after the other, like stair steps. The locks are narrow and short and we were surprised they fit a sailboat in behind us!  Linda took some great pictures of us in the locks before it was their turn to lock through.
The lock hands crank the gates
by hand on the Chambly Canal!
After leaving the locks we entered the Chambly Basin then the Richelieu River and headed to the lock wall at Saint Ours, a 27 mile journey. The river is fairly narrow and is lined with small towns along the way.  Many homes have their own docks. We were quite impressed with many large church steeples along the way.

Raydiance behind us going through a narrow
 opening under this bridge with a swift current
There are cable ferry boats in two locations on the river and we managed to catch them both as they headed across the river. We had to wait for them to drop their cables that pull them across the river!  Another interesting part of our trip was the narrow bridge entrance with a strong current. The entrance is on the far west side of the bridge which was not visible until we made a turn toward it! 
We arrived at the Saint Ours Lock around 4:30 and docked on the wall right before the lock.  This is a beautiful, peaceful location with many trees, picnic tables, and walking trails that we explored. There are signs along the trail that identify the many types of trees here.  There was room for both Carried Away and Raydiance on the lock wall so we did not have to raft up today. We did get together for appetizers and shared our photos that we took.
One of the cable ferries
Docked at the St. Ours lock wall
behind Raydiance
We will leave tomorrow morning and make the long trip to Montreal where we plan to spend three days.