June 10, 2012

June 9, 2012  Day 29                                   Total miles to date:  670.07

It is hard to believe we started our Loop journey four weeks ago today in Yorktown, VA and here we are in New York!  We are learning so much, seeing many wonderful sites, and meeting some great people!  Bill says we have gone about 10% of the distance! We look forward to each day!

We went back to Don & Paul’s Coffee Shop for breakfast with Quest and Moor $tuff and joined the local crowd waiting to be seated!  From there Joyce walked to the nearest grocery store (across the Hudson River bridge to Troy NY), actually about a half mile.  (Photo below)

We spent much of the day doing boat maintenance, laundry, and cleaning!

We went to dinner with Quest, Moor $tuff, and Rickshaw as we will be moving in different directions tomorrow.  Quest and Carried Away are heading up the Champlain Canal toward Vermont, and Moor $tuff and Rickshaw will head west on the Erie Canal. After dinner we visited on our boats for a while.  It will be hard to say goodbye in the morning!  Loopers cross paths frequently and we hope this will continue!

Farewell dinner in Waterford
L to R: Jim, Belinda, Bill, Joyce, Skip, Barb, Carl, Ricki

Bridge over the Hudson River
connecting Waterford and Troy, NY -
Hooray for the pedestrian path!