July 16, 2012

July 15, 2012  Day 65                                  Total miles to date:  1239

Sunday morning did not allow us to sleep in but found us departing with Our Time at 7:30 to make the 8:00 bridge opening in Kingston.  We left under a cloudy sky which soon turned to a light rain. We entered Lake Ontario, keeping Kingston to our starboard side and followed the lake to the Bay of Quinte.  What a difference having over 80 feet under us in a 1’-1.5’ sea from the shallow Rideau Canal we left behind.  For a Sunday there were few boats out with us.
We never get tired of sunsets over the water
We went about 50 miles today which was easy since we had no locks to enter. While underway we talked to our friends on Quest. They are a week ahead of us! We anchored at 2:30 with Our Time happy that the rain had stopped. We spent a quiet night at anchor in a little cove. 

Tomorrow we will go to Trenton, Ontario and stay at Fraser Park Marina for two nights. We are having mail delivered there and we definitely need to add fuel and empty the holding tank!  Trenton will mark a new phase of our trip as we enter the Trent Severn Waterway!