September 27, 2012

September 26, 2012 Day 138   Kaskaskia Lock   Total miles to date:  2916.3

Passing one of many wing dams!
The Dredge Potter
We waited for a break in the rain this morning and left Hoppies at 10:15 with Ross and Laura on The Zone.  Since we have AIS, we took the lead and contacted all the tow boats.  There were fewer of them out today!  We also passed many wing dams and made sure we stayed in the channel. Even so we still experienced some of the whirlpooling effect.    
Carried Away at the
Kaskaskia Lock Wall

We pulled off the river and arrived at the Kaskaskia Lock and Dam at 2:15 and tied up to the lock wall.  By then it had started raining again.  But, we were glad to be there as there are very few places to stop for the night.  Our 42 mile day seems short to what we will experience tomorrow – we will get back on the Mississippi and travel over 100 miles and will have to find a good anchorage. We only have 12 hours of daylight!

We had dinner on board and called it an early evening since we will leave at daybreak.