November 2, 2012

November 1, 2012    Day 174                              

At anchor near Aberdeen, MS
Total miles to date:  3485.1

It is November!  We unrafted our boat with The Zone and left our anchorage near the Fulton Lock.  Limelight left their marina at the same time and the three of us went through the Fulton Lock together. We arrived at the Wilkins Lock at 11:20 and the Amory Lock at 12:30. The timing was perfect for all three and there was no waiting.  We traveled under a bright blue sky, mild temperatures, and no wind. It doesn’t get any better than that.
We arrived at Aberdeen around 3:00. Limelight went to the marina and we went to an anchorage at Blue Bluff and rafted to The Zone.  We tried to go to a free wall at Blue Bluff but the entrance was too shallow and had deadheads in it as well.
Anchored at Blue Bluff near Aberdeen, MS

We had docktails on board The Zone and once again had a fun visit.  We returned to our boat for dinner and spent the evening watching television and writing the blog.

We will go to Columbus, MS tomorrow and stay at a marina for one or two days.