February 26, 2013

February 25, 2013 Day 290
At Anchor
Mosquito Lagoon near Canaveral National Seashore

Total miles to date: 4891.5

We made preparations to leave Cocoa Village Marina this morning after our week long stay.  Joyce took the rental car back while Bill got the boat ready. We left at 11:30 saying we would be back next year.

We traveled north up the ICW and the Indian River, past Titusville on the west and the Space Shuttle hangar (Vehicle assembly building) at the Kennedy Space Center to the east. 

Soon we entered the mile long Haulover Canal, a narrow cut from the Indian River to Mosquito Lagoon. We saw countless number of people fishing from the shore, and most of them stopped long enough to wave to us. This area is a slow speed/minimum wake zone to protect the manatees, so we took our time passing through it.

We left the canal and headed into Mosquito Lagoon and arrived at our chosen anchorage near red marker 24 at 4:00.  We had seen many dolphins today while we were underway and were not disappointed when we stopped as they continued to entertain us!

The rain we had escaped for two days finally caught up with us before dinner, but fortunately stopped two hours later.  Speaking of dinner, the generator stopped working just as Joyce was cooking dinner – and it had not sounded right when we first turned it on.  So, Bill went to the engine room to check things out and discovered the water pump was not working.  He will try and fix it tomorrow while we are still anchored.  If not, we will have to find a marina. We need to charge the “house batteries”!  Our dinner became one of sandwiches since cooking on the stove/oven was no longer an option. And we could not cook on the grill because it was raining.  It was not the evening we had planned, but we managed!