April 12, 2013

April 12, 2013 Day 336
River Dunes Marina
Oriental, NC
Total miles to date: 5657.6

Another short post this evening.  It rained all day and was very windy, so we did not leave the boat.  At least we did not get hit with the bad thunderstorms that so much of the south received.  

We spent the day doing chores!  Yesterday, our hot water heater stopped working and Bill spent time today diagnosing the problem, then ordered parts.  We are fortunate that the heating element will be fed-exed to us tomorrow.  Hopefully this will solve the problem!

We watched the last two hours of the Masters Tournament and then had dinner on board.  We are still researching the Down East Loop and spent some time working on it this evening.  We still have no cell phone reception and are relying on texts and Facebook to communicate with family and friends.