April 6, 2013

April 6, 2013 Day 330
Barefoot Marina
North Myrtle Beach, SC
Total miles to date: 5472.3

Saturdays were chore days when we growing up, and this Saturday seemed to follow that pattern.  Bill worked all day on boat maintenance. Joyce did laundry and the grocery shopping.  (It was so nice to have Bill and Diane’s car for an extra day!)

Rick and Margi, Betsy, Rick, Joyce, Bill
We did spend a nice evening having dinner out with Betsy and Rick (Rick & Roll) and Margi and Rick (Journey). We went to a small seafood restaurant that is more of a local place – not a tourist place. We had a good meal and enjoyed the hospitality of the friendly staff!

Another one!

We had three dolphins playing near our boat today and that was quite a treat to see! They stayed quite a while and several people came out to watch them.

Our plan is to go to a marina in Southport, NC tomorrow. It is hard to believe we are leaving another state behind!