June 11, 2013

June 10, 2013 Day 19 The Hudson River
The Hudson River Maritime Museum Dock
Kingston, NY

It was time to move again and with a 58 mile day ahead of us, we departed at 7:45 with the two Journey’s.  The Hudson River is winding and very scenic with tree lined mountains and homes built high on the hillsides. Trains run on both sides of the river – freight trains on the west bank and 
One of many trains
commuter trains on the east bank, and there was no shortage of them.  
West Point poised beautifully on the Hudson

In two hours, we passed by West Point, established in 1802.  We toured the beautiful military academy last year on the Loop, and would recommend it to everyone.  Bill wasn’t excited about the “Beat Air Force” painted on a roof but we remembered the other side says “Beat Navy”.

As we progressed, the rain that began as a light shower increased to a steady rain and visibility was greatly hampered.

Beautiful hillside homes are found along the river

We arrived in Kingston, NY at 2:20 and docked at the Hudson River Maritime Museum, located on Rondout Creek.  We enjoyed a tour of the museum shortly after we docked. We toured the museum last year but were happy to make a return visit.   The museum preserves the history of the Hudson River shipping industry in the 1800’s and 1900’s and is filled with artifacts, models of ships, and many displays.  The ice boat was very interesting!
This iceboat was one of many displays
in the Maritime Museum

We met Loopers on Journey (catamaran), Journey (trawler) and Daisy Mae for a nice dinner at an Irish Pub, a short walk from the boat in the historic district.  It was still raining steadily and we all went back to our boats for the evening.