July 30, 2013

July 30, 2013 Day 69  St. Lawrence River
Sainte Anne des Monts Marina
Sainte Anne des Monts, Quebec, Canada

What a long day of travel!  We left Rimouski at 6:20 in the fog and it did not lift until almost noon.  It started raining at 10:00 and it stopped at noon also.  We traveled under radar and AIS and our fog horn went off every few minutes.  At noon we finally had a visual on Outbound and Esmeralda!  Shortly after that we spotted a large minke whale, so that made our day.

Richard, Shannon, Joyce, Lisa, and Ron
One of many sculptures ariund the area!
At 6:00 we arrived at Sainte Anne des Monts and tied up at their dock. We are not connected to power or water. It is pretty rustic but inexpensive and the people are very friendly.  There are some fun sculptures of driftwood in the park next to the marina.

 Another beautiful church in town
We went to a great seafood restaurant near the marina and although we had a long wait it was worth it.  The fish was fresh – we had turbot and it was excellent.  We enjoyed having dinner with Lisa, Ron, Shannon, and Richard.

We will travel at least 55 miles tomorrow and maybe longer, so we will leave at 6:30 again. 

We have more photos to post but do not have time this evening. Will try to get them up tomorrow,