August 23, 2015

August 23, 2015  Day 64 New York Summer 2015
Half Moon Bay Marina
Croton-on-Hudson, NY

After spending five nights at anchor in Half Moon Bay, it was time to go to a marina!  We were desperately low on water, and needed to get a few things done that required power. 

Our popular anchorage at Half Moon Bay
Our anchorage was quite the hotspot on Friday and Saturday with many small boats anchored near shore. There were also kayakers, paddle boarders, and jet skis on the scene.  Most of them left before dark and it finally quieted down.

We drove over to the marina this morning– all of a ten minute drive – and went to the pump out station first to empty the holding tank. Then we went to our spot on the dock and got settled in.  We are just staying one day.  We have been here on two other occasions and did not go into town this time.  Joyce did lots of laundry, baked bread, vacuumed, and fixed dinner.  We also relaxed by reading. 

Bill keeps watching the NOAA website and it looks like Wednesday and Thursday will be the best days to go offshore down the New Jersey coast.  We have been waiting for anything less than three foot waves, so we are hopeful!
The view from our dock at Half Moon Bay Marina

We will leave in the morning and cruise just under 40 miles to New York City tomorrow and anchor again.