August 8, 2015

August 8, 2015  Day 49  New York Summer 2015
Ilion Village Marina
Ilion, NY

This was one of the quietest days we have had – and we were underway!  We left Sylvan Beach at 0745 and headed east on the Erie Canal.  There was no wind and the water was like glass, providing a mirror image of the trees.  Even though it was a Saturday, there were no boats out! We saw a few small fishing boats, but no one out cruising.  We thought we somehow missed the memo!

We had four locks to transit. We locked up in Locks 22 and 21, and then started locking down in Locks 20 and 19.  Since there was no wind and since we had the locks to ourselves, it could not have been better. 
We left the line of boaters early this morning in Sylvan Beach
as they wait for the festivities of Canal Fest

The Erie Canal was tranquil!

We arrived in Ilion at 1:40 and tied up on the marina’s wall.  Boaters we had met in Phoenix were already here and helped us with our lines. We were happy to be here with full 50 amp power and water!  Ilion is home to the Remington Firearms Museum, but it was too late in the day to have made a worthwhile trip to see it. Remington firearms have been built in Ilion since the early 1800’s.

We got checked in and then stopped at the ice cream shop on site. We had dinner on board and then spent time visiting with Bruce and Jan, the couple we had met in Phoenix, NY earlier in the week. 

We will leave again in the morning and travel to St. Johnsville to a marina. We have a fairly short trip of 18 miles and three locks, and we hope we have an equally good travel day!