November 27, 2015

November 27, 2015  Day 5 South for the Winter 2015-16
At anchor
Pungo River, NC

Today was a perfect cruising day. We took advantage of the sunny day and very calm water and cruised nine hours for 80 miles. We only saw three other cruising boats and two tugboats all day.  We did not have to wait for any bridges – the Alligator River Bridge opened for us immediately.  We were also very happy that the Albemarle Sound was calm!
We played Christmas music all day and that made traveling even more fun!  
We arrived at our anchorage on the Pungo River at 5pm, just after the sun set.  We enjoyed leftovers from our Thanksgiving Dinner and just relaxed for the evening.

A calm Albemarle Sound
Reflections on the Alligator-Pungo River Cut
Approaching our anchorage at sunset on the Pungo River
Tomorrow’s plans are to cruise to a marina in Oriental, NC.