December 16, 2015

December 15-16, 2015  Days 23-24  South for the Winter 2015-16
This egret never moved when we walked past him
on our dock
The Bridge of Lions opening!
One of many lovely homes along the ICW

Palm Coast Marina
Palm Coast, FL

A quick catch up tonight.  We kept the rental car Tuesday morning in Jacksonville and ran some more errands. Joyce also had a doctor’s appointment.  We went out for lunch, returned the car and then spent the rest of the day and evening on the boat.

We delayed our departure until after 9:00 this morning to wait for the tide to come back in.  We had another good cruising day of over 56 miles to Palm Coast.  We passed St. Augustine at 1:00 when we went through the opening of the Bridge of Lions.  We arrived at Palm Coast at 3:40 and stopped at the fuel dock first to empty the holding tank.  Then we docked on the face dock.  Dinner was the pork tenderloin that we had cooking all day in the crock pot. It is always nice to have a meal ready!

We will continue south in the morning with New Smyrna Beach as our goal!