December 21, 2015

December 21, 2015  Day 29  South for the Winter 2015-16
City of Moore Haven Marina
Moore Haven, FL

After 8½ hours of travel, we are so happy to be docked in Moore Haven.  We left our anchorage in Stuart at 7:40 this morning and went down the St. Lucie River.  We reached the St. Lucie Lock an hour later and were the only boat in the lock.  Two and a half hours later we entered the Port Mayaca Lock with one other boat. Sometimes the water level is even at this lock and you can just drive through. Today we needed to be raised two inches so we had to go through the whole process of tying up in the lock.   

When we departed the Port Mayaca Lock, we entered Lake Okeechobee.  With the winds today the forecast for the lake was a moderate chop.  It was not too uncomfortable but we were glad to get off the choppy lake water 39 miles later!  The exit is at a town called Clewiston and we entered the river there which is more like a narrow canal.

Our final lock of the day was at Moore Haven and we locked down about seven feet.  Five minutes later we arrived at the City Marina in Moore Haven. We were greeted by very nice boaters who had arrived earlier in the day.  We soon learned they are Platinum Loopers (Loopers who have completed the Loop at least twice.)  When Joyce walked across the street to pay for the docking at City Hall, she noticed a large Nativity Scene on the lawn and was so impressed the city had the courage to display this!  Well done!!

We had a quick dinner tonight. We are exhausted after our long day. But the end is in sight as we will arrive in Ft. Myers tomorrow, our winter destination!