March 9, 2016

March 9, 2016  Day 108  South for the Winter 2015-16
Legacy Harbour Marina
Ft. Myers, FL

It has been about six weeks since we have updated the blog. We spent much of that time in Virginia, taking care of our four grandchildren while our daughter and son-in-law flew to China for two weeks to finalize the adoption of their new 13 month old son.  We are happy to report that their trip went very well and that they arrived home safely with Ryan on February 24. Ryan has adapted beautifully into their family. It is almost as if he were always there!  He sleeps, eats, and plays well. He is happy and loves people. He is an active toddler who is walking quite well. He is quite adorable!  We enjoyed being with Ashley, Nate, David, and Rocky for the two weeks. Somehow we managed to get them to and from school on time, prepared meals and school lunches, get them to their activities, played games with them, etc. They are great kids and although they missed their parents, they did very well. On Saturday February 27, we all celebrated Bill’s birthday!

Bill made a few trips to Williamsburg during our stay there – took things we had taken off the boat to our storage unit; saw the optometrist.  We left Virginia on Monday, February 29 and began our drive back to Florida. We spent one night in Orlando and had dinner with Bill’s brother Chuck and Becky at a great Irish Pub in Disney Springs. We enjoyed seeing them again, even for a short time.

We arrived back at our boat on Thursday, March 3. Since then we have gone out to dinner with friends and attended an annual catered dinner sponsored by our marina for everyone here. In the meantime we are trying to keep Carried Away ready to be shown at any time! And oh, yes, Bill spent two days fixing Joyce’s computer after a terrible virus destroyed many files.

Next week will provide a new adventure, as we plan to depart (by car) on Monday for a two week road trip to Colorado to visit our son and daughter-in-law and grandchildren!  Our grandchildren are ages four and a half and two and we can’t wait to see them!