April 6, 2016

April 6, 2016  Days 1-3  Spring 2016

Riverhouse Marina
Moore Haven, FL

We finally left Ft. Myers on Tuesday as planned, although it was hard to say goodbye to friends.  We got underway at 0800 under a sunny sky and light breeze. 
Carried Away departing
Legacy Harbour Marina
Cattle sharing the shade with white Cattle Egrets!

We traveled all day on the narrow Caloosahatchee River which winds past small towns, farm lands, and marshlands. We transited two locks, the Franklin Lock at the western end and the Ortona Lock, further east. We were one of six boats in this lock!

After cruising for eight hours, we arrived at Moore Haven. There are two long fixed docks here, one operated by the city and one a private owner. You basically dock yourself here! The private dock provides envelopes to leave a check for payment in a locked box. We do have power and water and Bill managed to find wifi available somehow!  We have been here a few times before and although there really isn’t anything to do here, it is a good stop.  We have enjoyed meeting several other boaters who are also lingering a while!

Our plan was to spend one night and move on.  However, the wind has forced us to stay three nights.  We have to cross Lake Okeechobee and do not want to do it in 15-20 mph winds.  So, we will depart on Friday and find an anchorage in Stuart, FL.