June 13, 2012

June 12, 2012  Day 32                                 Total miles to date:  728.87

This was a day of five locks! We “locked up” in Locks 7 and 8 as we had been doing, but we starting “locking down” in Locks 9, 11, and 12. Note that there is no Lock 10 as the engineers decided it was not needed after all, but did not change the numbers. We still had some very low bridges to clear but we did make them if only by inches. 
We continue to be amazed at the beauty of the area. The Champlain Canal is narrow, tree lined, peaceful with occasional homes and farmland along the shore line. We saw our first bald eagle today but could not get an adequate photo of it. There will be more!

Following Quest
up the scenic Champlain Canal!
We arrived at Whitehall, NY at 12:50 and docked at the Whitehall Harbor Marina just as we exited Lock 12.  It had already started raining and was very windy, and we had to dock stern in. We were very grateful for the staff’s help in getting us docked.  We have a high, beamy boat that the wind can have fun with!  Carl, having just docked Quest next to us, was also right there to help with our lines and we are very grateful to him for his help.
Carl also helped Bill put the canvas top back on the flybridge. This was not an easy task and we were happy to have it in place before the heavy rain began in the evening!  It is nice to have Carried Away looking like herself again and not a convertible with her top down!

This marina is under new ownership and they could not have been more friendly and helpful.  They took us to the post office and grocery store, and drove off site to pick up oil for Quest.  They have also purchased the other Lock 12 marina and the Finch and Chubb Restaurant which they are renovating and will reopen in early July. We did have a good dinner at the restaurant at the marina where we were docked.
Whitehall Marina

Whitehall is an historic town, known as the birthplace of the US Navy with the first twelve boats of the Naval Fleet being built in 1776.   Benedict Arnold used these to prevent the British from invading the colonies.  We would have liked to visit the Skenesborough Museum but it was not open when we arrived, and we only planned to be here one night.  We will definitely come back some day!

Whitehall also marks the end of the Champlain Canal.  Tomorrow we enter Lake Champlain, but the southern tip of it is so narrow it will seem like a canal before it widens into a large lake!  No more locks or low bridges for a while!
We invited Carl and Ricki back to our boat after dinner and had a nice visit! We will continue boating with them to Westport, NY tomorrow to the Westport Marina.