June 15, 2012

June 14, 2012  Day 34                                 Total miles to date:  777.67

Happy Flag Day! 
The Westport Library built in the 1800's
reflects some of the beautiful architecture in Westport
We decided to stay at Westport another day and enjoy this beautiful view. We had mail delivered here and had already made the decision to stay by the time it arrived.  Bill used the time to mark the anchor chain, and do many other boat projects. Joyce did laundry and walked back up the hill into town to run a few errands. 
Bill entertained us with his banjo after dinner!
We invited Ricki and Carl on Quest onboard for dinner and had a very nice visit. This is our last night to travel with them for a while. They will depart for Canada in the morning and we will spend a few more days on Lake Champlain in Vermont.  We will catch up with them eventually in Canada. We were docked next to them at the AGLCA Spring Rendezvous and have traveled with them for over a month and will miss them! They have been fun to be with and have been so helpful to us.  One of the best parts of doing the Loop is the friends we make!