June 28, 2012

June 28, 2012  Day 48                                 Total miles to date:  958.61

The view from St. Josephs
St. Josephs
Today was spent touring Montreal by bus. We took a narrated “hop on-hop off” bus that makes many stops through the city with return stops to each location every 30 minutes. We got off at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and toured part of the museum. Next we got off at Saint Joseph’s Oratory and climbed the endless steps to the church. Once inside there were elevators and escalator that were welcomed!  The Basilica is on the 6th floor! Saint Joseph’s is located high on a hill at Mount Royal and the views of Montreal and surrounding area are spectacular. Brother Andre’, founder of the Basilica was beatified a few years ago. Our next stop was near downtown and we found a little place that featured hotdogs and poutine – a local dish that consist of French fries, soft cubed cheese, and gravy!  So we had to try it and yes, we liked it!  We hopped back on the bus and went to the Notre-Dame de Montreal Basilica. Once inside we took a 20 minute guided tour.  The two towers were built between 1841-1843, housing the great bell and the carillon with ten bells. The decorating of the interior was completed in 1880. The impressive organ has 7,000 pipes.  In addition to the main sanctuary, there is an ornate, smaller chapel.  This is a must see for anyone visiting Montreal. Our tour bus also took us past the Olympic Stadium (1976), through Chinatown, past the Ice Hockey Arena (they love their team!), the waterfront, Mount Royal Park, and more. All in all it was a very good way to see the city. 
When we were walking back to our boat we saw Sarah and Brooks on Our Time and we chatted for a while. We returned to the boat, did a few chores, and are prepared to leave Montreal early tomorrow morning (Friday).  Linda and Tom stopped by to chat since they are not leaving Montreal until Saturday.

We have to go through two large locks on the St. Lawrence Seaway tomorrow and they give preference to commercial boat traffic. Pleasure boats are locked through when it is convenient.  We may be sitting at a lock wall awaiting our turn!

Our ride today!
Museum of Fine Art
Notre-Dame of Montreal
We will not expect to have wifi again for a few days - probably until we reach Ottawa so blog postings will be delayed again.
Poutine for lunch!