July 13, 2012

July 12, 2012  Day 62                                  Total miles to date  1176

We were the first boat to leave Chaffeys Lock wall this morning and headed through more narrow passages to the Davis Lock opening 2 miles away. After that we headed to the Jones Falls Lock. It begins with a single lock and then is immediately followed by a flight of three locks. We had hoped to go right through but at the last minute we were told it would be a two hour wait on the blue line.  This did give us time to get some cleaning one and tour two museums on site. The old lockmasters house was converted into a museum and there is an active blacksmith shop also. 
The delay also gave Brooks and Sarah on Our Time a chance to catch up with us so we traveled the remainder of the day with them.  We cleared the Jones Falls Locks in over an hour and then both decided to anchor out prior to reaching Brewer’s Lock. We were not confident there would still be room on the lock wall there and the choices past that location were not great.  So we chose a beautiful anchorage on Cranberry Lake which is still part of the Rideau waterway system.
Carried Away at anchor in Cranberry Lake
Brooks came over on his dinghy to take us back to their boat for appetizers – such a great taxi service!  We had a good time visiting with them.  We came back to our boat for a quick dinner and just enjoyed watching the sun setting on the lake.  We will head out tomorrow to a marina in Kingston, Ontario with Our Time.

Subnote: It is now Friday, July 13 and we are in Kingston, Ontario. Our little marina has no wifi so Joyce came in by dinghy with Our Time to a city park downtown with wifi.
I will update on Monday from Trenton!