July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012  Day 67            Trenton                      Total miles to date:  1261

Not a lot to report today - this was a day to stay put. The 95 degree heat, high gusty winds, with a threat of storms later in the day did not warrant much activity off the boat.  We even decided not to go to the Royal Air Force Museum. 
Bill did walk to a NAPA store for oil filters this morning, and he got some routine engine maintenance done – changed some zincs, etc. but all in all, a day for reading and trying to stay cool.

After dinner on the boat we did take a long walk, and although it was still hot it did not rain.  So much for staying cool!
We will start this part
of the journey tomorrow
Our mail did not arrive as hoped, and unless it arrives before we leave in the morning, we will have to depart without it and have the marina forward it. Our plan is to leave in the morning and go through at least 6 locks.