July 19, 2012

July 18, 2012  Day 68   Entering the Trent Severn    Total miles to date:  1273.8

We began our journey on the Trent Severn Waterway today. We left Fraser Park Marina at 10am giving the mail time to arrive (without ours unfortunately). We also waited in line to get the holding tank pumped out.  By leaving two hours after the other boats also going this way, we had the six locks to ourselves and were able to get through them in about 15 minutes each. The Trent Severn has 44 locks!
This part of the Trent Severn is fairly narrow but not nearly as much as the Rideau.  It is abundant with birds and we spotted an eagle’s nest on top of a telephone pole with two eagles holding watch. 

We continued on and tied up on the lower side of Lock 7 at Glen Ross, Ontario. The lock wall is shaded and has picnic tables scattered around it. We were the only boat there as the others all stopped at Lock 6 which has electric hookups. 

Eagles on watch
Kawartha Voyager
coming out of the lock
Shortly after we got here we went over to the little convenience/ variety store across the street and had ice cream. We had heard from several sources how good it was and we were not disappointed. Richard, the store owner, told us within an hour a large tour boat was coming through the lock so we had our cameras ready. The boat holds about 500 people and goes from Peterborough to Kingston. Then the passengers take a bus back home as the boat continues on to Ottawa with a new group. This tour happens only a few times a year.  We were happy we were already on the lock wall and did not have to try to pass this boat in the narrow channel!
We cooked dinner on the grill and spent another quiet evening on Carried Away.