July 19, 2012

July 19, 2012  Day 69           Campbellford            Total miles to date:  1291.0

We left the lock wall at Glen Ross #7 this morning when it opened for us at 8:45. Our Time had caught up with us and locked though with us. We went through five more locks and arrived at Campbellford, Ontario at 1:15. We tied up to the city wall downtown for the afternoon so we could browse through the shops. Campbellford is home to the World’s Finest Chocolate Factory Outlet store and we did not leave empty handed. Bill insists some of it will go into the freezer! Then we visited one of the bakeries that is popular here (and with Loopers) and picked up muffins and bread.  
The Tooney
Campbellford is home to the Tooney!  This is their two dollar coin which was designed by a resident of Campbellford. It is in the center of their park where we are docked downtown.
The City also provides free wifi at the town dock, so Joyce could at least take care of all things needed on the internet (including the update of this blog!

Carried Away and Boreas in Campbellford
We will move to the lock just past Campbellford before dinner and spend the night there. We will go to Hastings, Ontario tomorrow.