July 9, 2012

July 7-8, 2012  Day 57-58                             Total miles to date  1115.6

Saturday: We arrived in Merrickville on Saturday and toured the downtown area complete with shops, restaurants, museums, and the requisite ice cream shop. We had dinner at a local restaurant with Sally and Greg. 
Sunday: Merrickville was one busy town today with its 12th annual antique car show. They had over 1,000 cars here proudly displayed by their owners. The crowds gathered around the vintage cars and trucks were large.  Many people browsed in the downtown shops since all were open today.  Sidewalks and streets were very congested!  We were happy to be on the boat and not looking for a parking space.
Merrickville United Church
We began our Sunday by going to church. The Merrickville United Church of Canada is located a block from where we are docked and we felt very welcome there and enjoyed the service.

After church we met Sally and Greg on Odyssey and went to the car show, where we bought grilled sausages at a booth for lunch, walked around the town, checked out more museums, and did some shopping.  There are three locks here and everyone enjoys watching the hand cranking of the gates and the boats maneuvering to come through each level.
Nice truck!
It is a breezy warm day but not as hot as it has been. One of the church members told me to convert from Centigrade to Fahrenheit by multiplying by two and adding 30 degrees. 

Late in the day we saw the people on Sally W, boaters that we first saw in Kingston, NY. They are going the opposite way, doing the Triangle Loop. It was good to chat with them again.

We had a very nice dinner with Sally and Greg on Odyssey to complete our day. We got to meet their cat, Hershey!  At the age of eleven, she is a veteran traveler.  Tomorrow we will leave Merrickville and head to Smith Falls, Ontario.