September 15, 2012

September 15, 2012  Day 127      Peoria, IL      Total miles to date:  2596.0

Saturday at the Peoria Riverfront was a busy place. Boats constantly came in and out of the harbor area.  Many people were just out walking and stopped by to ask us how we got from Williamsburg to Peoria. So, it was a lesson in geography as we traced our general path for them.  We were happy to greet more Loopers who arrived in Peoria today: Attitude Adjustment, Betty L, Copesetic Too, and Louise.
Copesetic Too arriving
These Asian Carp just fly up on the dock
when a boat goes by -
glad they are the small ones!
We walked down to the Riverfront Market which is held on Saturday mornings.  They have a typical farmers market, plus baked items, pottery, crafts, etc. We stocked up on a few things and chatted with some of the vendors.  We went back to the boat and spent time cleaning the boat and working on maintenance projects. 

 We are docked near the
paddlewheel tour boat, The Spirit of Peoria
Four of Joyce’s college friends, Daryle, Alan, Cindy, and Dave who live fairly near Peoria came to visit us this afternoon. After a boat tour, and relaxing over appetizers, we all went out to dinner. It was so good to see them again. We enjoyed sharing our Loop adventure with them and listening to their travels in Europe.

We will stay in Peoria until at least Monday morning when we have our starboard engine issues inspected.
Dinner with college friends,
Daryle & Alan and Cindy & Dave