September 16, 2012

September 16, 2012  Day 128      Peoria, IL      Total miles to date:  2596.0

Yes, our third night in Peoria! The four other Loopers who were here yesterday left this morning as expected.  We had a productive day by ourselves. Bill fixed the forward head and the Electroscan and Joyce did some cleaning.   She also talked to Sarah on Our Time to catch up on their news, to find they are in Grand Haven.

Two more Loopers, Ross and Laura on The Zone and Darrell and Lisa on Why Knot, arrived about 4:00 and we made arrangements for dinner at 5:30. Most of the restaurants near the River Walk were closed on Sunday so we went to Joe’s Crab Shack. We had fun sharing stories of our Looping experiences, from customs to going through locks, etc. We first met The Zone in Britt, Ontario, and we first met Why Knot in Charlevoix, so it was nice to see them again!
Darrell & Lisa , Ross & Laura, Joyce & Bill

We will have the starboard engine inspected early tomorrow morning and until we know the outcome of the findings, we cannot make plans. The weather does not sound great anyway so we will have to wait and see what that brings.