November 18, 2012

November 18, 2012    Day 191                             

Bay Point Marina, Panama City, FL
Total miles to date:  4044.3

We left our anchorage and made the short trip to Panama City in two hours, arriving here at 10:00. The water was fairly calm and the sky was partly cloudy – and yes, we saw more dolphins!

When we arrived at the marina we discovered two other Loopers already there: Nanseann and Gold Loopers Sandpiper. 

We got checked in and immediately started cleaning the boat. Three days at anchor did not allow us to clean the salt spray off the boat and that is important. Bill scrubbed the decks and Joyce polished all the railings.  In the meantime Joyce began preparing the inside of the boat and getting out things for the road trip.

By late afternoon, Great Laker arrived and we visited with Anne and Larry briefly. 

We went to the restaurant by the marina for a quick dinner and had a nice meal.  Then it was back to the boat to finish laundry and packing!

Since we will be gone for two weeks we will not post a blog during that time. When we return on December 2, we will write one “summary blog” of our travels to Texas and Colorado.  We look forward to being with our daughter and son-in-law and grandchildren for Thanksgiving in Texas, and our son and daughter-in-law and grandson in Colorado shortly after that.   This will be our first time off the boat since we left in May!  We will pick up a rental car in the morning and head to Baton Rouge to spend the first night with Chuck and Becky.

We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels!