December 22, 2012

December 22, 2012    Day 225                             

C-Quarters Marina, Carrabelle, FL
Total miles to date:  4139.5

Before leaving Apalachicola, Gay and Joyce took the golf cart to the grocery store at 8 am and endured a cold, windy ride. But they were happy to get the food needed for our Christmas meals!  When they got back, Bill and Mike took the cart and drove around town to see various sites. Then it was time to leave for Carrabelle. We only had 29 miles to travel today and we were happy to have a bright sunny day to travel and fairly calm seas!

When we arrived at C-Quarters Marina in Carrabelle with Irish Attitude, our friends on Sea Hunt IV were there to greet us. It was so wonderful to see them again. We last saw them in Killarney, Ontario and our paths have not crossed again until now. 

After we stopped at the fuel dock we tied up at our slip between Sea Hunt and Irish Attitude.  The docking was more complicated today and took several people helping to get our two boats tied up. Short finger piers, tall pilings, dealing with tide, etc. all made it interesting.

The conversation of the day dealt mainly with plans to cross the gulf.  The result: we are leaving at 9am tomorrow, December 23 with Sea Hunt IV and Irish Attitude to make the trip to Tarpon Springs. We expect it to take about 22 hours as we will travel at 8 mph.   We will arrive in Tarpon Springs on the morning of Christmas Eve. The marina closes at noon that day but has already given us slip assignments if they are not there when we arrive.

Joyce prepared lasagna for our Christmas Eve dinner – this will make it so much easier to have a nice meal after a long crossing!  We traditionally have this meal on Christmas Eve and it is nice to keep that tradition!

We will update our blog after we arrive.  We are hopeful for a good crossing with calm seas!