March 31, 2013

March 31, 2013 Day 324
Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina
Charleston, SC
Total miles to date: 5357.2

Easter Sunday!  We woke to rain but it stopped by mid-morning which allowed us to walk to the Easter Sunday Brunch at the Charleston Harbor Resort next to the marina.  We had an extravagant meal complete with mahi mahi, cheese grits with shrimp, seafood frittata, eggs benedict, roast beef, salads, fruit, cheesecake, key lime pie, mimosas, and more!  Needless to say, we declared it to be our meal for the day!

We could see Carried Away from the top of the aircraft carrier
After brunch we walked back to change into comfortable clothes and shoes and set off again to tour the three ships at Patriots Point (also next to our marina).  We spent an interesting afternoon visiting the USS Clamagore, a submarine built at the end of WWII; the USS Laffey, a WWII Destroyer, and finally the USS Yorktown, a WWII aircraft carrier. The Yorktown was modified in the 1950’s with an angled deck for jets and converted to an antisubmarine carrier in the 1960’s.  In 1968 she recovered the Apollo 8 astronauts.  We climbed and descended more stairs than we could count on the three ships, many of them so steep we went down backwards.  We had never been on an aircraft carrier before and it is an amazing ship!  There are several WWII airplanes on its flight deck.

Torpedo room on the submarine
Standing on the flight deck of the USS Yorktown

No sunset picture tonight- just the storm clouds!
We came back to the boat exhausted but glad we took this self-guided tour (along with many other tourists out today).

The weather report for tomorrow has caused us to revise our plans and remain here one more day.  We have chores to do anyway so we will use this bad weather day to get those done.  We will head to Georgetown, SC on Tuesday.