April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013 Day 325
Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina
Charleston, SC
Total miles to date: 5357.2

We had good intentions of getting work done today, but Bill was not feeling great, so he relaxed most of the day.  Joyce did get some files organized and did the laundry. 

Carnival Fantasy on her way out!
We watched the Carnival Fantasy cruise ship leave port across the river from us this afternoon headed for the Bahamas.  We are constantly watching other large ships leave here with their cargo.

Vicki, Randy and Heidi on Barefoot'n
We were happy to see another Looper boat, Barefoot’n, arrive this afternoon.  Randy and Vicki just started their loop in February from Florida and we were the first ones they have met.  We got together on their boat for docktails and had a very nice visit.  We hope to see them again as we head up the east coast.

We had a late dinner and relaxed for the evening. Tomorrow’s destination is Georgetown, SC.  We are taking Carried Away home for a day– this is where we bought her!