June 12, 2013

June 12, 2013 Day 21  The Hudson River
The Hudson River Maritime Museum Dock
Kingston, NY

As planned, we joined Rick & Margi and Bob & Bonnie for a guided tour of West Point Military Academy.  We were glad we made the return visit and found it just as interesting as we did last year.  The history, traditions, architecture, and setting above the Hudson River kept us in awe of this remarkable sight.  We also spent some time in the museum following the tour.  By then we were hungry and found a Chinese Restaurant for lunch before returning to our boats.

The Protestant Chapel at West Point
After we drove back to Kingston, we got ready for docktails at 5:00. The canopy covered tables next to the museum were perfect for us.  Nineteen Loopers were present and we had a wonderful time visiting and getting to know each other better. 

Two more Loopers, Irish Attitude and Blew Grass arrived earlier today and are docked behind us.  Spiritus arrived yesterday and the Hudson River Maritime Museum docks are officially full. We are still awaiting the reopening of the locks on the Erie Canal. The docks and marinas near Waterford (60 miles from here) are full also.  So we wait!  We plan to remain on the boat tomorrow and get more work done if the rain arrives as forecast.

A great Looper get together!
The girls - Margie, Maresia, Linda, Gay, Stephanie, Joyce, Margi. Linda
This colorful tugboat went past us tonight up the creek!