June 13, 2013

June 13, 2013 Day 22  The Hudson River
The Hudson River Maritime Museum Dock
Kingston, NY

Rain and more rain.  We stayed on the boat most of the day and got more chores done.  We did go out to lunch with Rick & Margi and Bob & Bonnie. We had a great meal at the Ship to Shore Restaurant and loved the atmosphere there.  Then we all walked along Rondout Creek to a boat yard but the office was closed. Bill was looking for a part to repair the fuel hose to the dinghy. We did find an unusual “hardware” store and spent time browsing through it, and none of us came out empty handed!

We had dinner on board and had a quiet evening – other than the noisy rain!

We will be here again tomorrow with more rain forecast.  More locks on the Erie Canal are closed and the situation is getting worse. 

We will just have to wait!