June 27, 2013

June 27, 2013 Day 36  The Hudson River
Donovan’s Shady Harbor Marina
New Baltimore, NY
After a morning of visiting with friends and saying good bye to them and the museum staff, we prepared Carried Away to depart Kingston.  First, we helped Sea Hunt IV untie from us and we left behind them around 11:15.  Journey was right behind us! After 17 days in port, it was a good feeling to be underway again!

The Rondout Lighthouse 
We entered the Hudson River at the end of Rondout Creek and turned north as we passed the Rondout Lighthouse.  We found a lot of debris in the river today, mostly logs and some that were quite large.  We enjoyed the view of the beautiful Catskill Mountains to the west of us as we traveled north on the Hudson.

The Catskills are a lovely backdrop on the west side of the river
Waving goodbye to Sea Hunt IV as they headed to an anchorage
We arrived at the marina around 4:30 and met many other Loopers here.  Some of them had been with us previously in Kingston.  As soon as we got checked in it was time for docktails and we joined everyone for those in a nice canopied area. An hour later the rain began and we all hurried back to our boats before the downpour.  We were glad to have leftovers in the freezer which made for an easy meal tonight.  We were tired from our trip and from the heat!

We will stay here until at least Sunday and decide whether we will stay or go to an anchorage. Since the Erie Canal is not opening Friday due to all the rain, we are back in the waiting game along with many other boaters.