June 7, 2013

June 5, 2013 Day 14  Offshore on the Jersey Coast
At anchor
Atlantic City, NJ

At 7:00 we departed Utsch’s Marina and headed about 3 miles offshore to go to Atlantic City with Rick and Margi on Journey, Tom and Melissa and Hank on their boat, also Journey, and Gay and Mike on Irish Attitude.

Forty five minutes into our trip, our port engine oil pressure started to drop.  Bill assessed the problem and decided the oil change that was due was really due, and changed the oil while Joyce took the helm, driving on the starboard engine.  We had not planned on an oil change in the Atlantic Ocean but it solved the problem!  Thanks to our boating buddies for hanging with us as we slowed down for a while! 

We had a good ride with only one foot seas!  That made for a pleasant day (in spite of the engine issues!).  We arrived at our anchorage in the Brigantine Basin about 1:15. The entry was shallow and we all had to hug the port side, but once we were in, there was plenty of room and depth.

Anchored in Atlantic City with Journey and Journey
We took our dinghy down to visit the other Loopers and we almost made it to Irish Attitude when the outboard engine quit!  Bill paddled the rest of the way!  Then he paddled us over to visit with Rick and Margi on Journey.

We invited three Looper boats over for docktails and had a wonderful visit.  Melissa and Tom on their Journey have Melissa’s 90 year old father Hank with them and he is an absolute delight.  He is doing much of the Loop with them! 

Atlantic City skyscraper - the advertising kept changing!
After docktails we grilled out for dinner and called it another early evening with plans to leave at 5:30 in the morning for a 96 mile trip offshore!