July 27, 2013

July 25, 2013 Day 64  Saguenay River
At anchor near Anse St. Jean Marina
Saguenay River, Quebec, Canada

What a beautiful sunny day on the water!  We left Cap De L’Aigle at 8:30 with Outbound and within 30 minutes spotted the first of many beluga whales on the St. Lawrence River.  They tend to stay in pods and are so easy to spot from a distance as they are pure white.  They reminded us of dolphins breaching near the surface of the water.  There were lots of belugas near the Point Au Saumon Lighthouse which we passed at 9:30.  We also saw minke whales.
Two belugas
Point Au Saumon Lighthouse
We made excellent time this morning having the current with us, and although we throttled back to less than 1000 rpm, shut down one engine, we were still going 11.1 mph!

We reached the mouth of the Saguenay River at 12:45 which is the location of the town of Tadoussac.  The marina does not take reservations and since they were full, we decided to go up and explore the Saguenay River which is a beautiful fjord.  We went about 30 miles up to Baie Eternite’ which is an incredible site.  We had hoped to pick up a mooring ball but they were all taken so we backtracked about eight miles with Outbound to Anse St. Jean and anchored out at 5:35 by the marina (which was also full).  Our friends, Richard and Shannon on Esmeralda are also anchored here. Can you tell this is peak season here?  There are so many tourist boats out taking people whale watching, and there were tons of sailboats out today also!
Saguenay River - Fjord
Baie Eternite'
We cooked dinner on the grill and relaxed the rest of the evening.  We were tired after our nine hour day. We will try to go to the marina at Tadoussac tomorrow if there are openings.