August 18, 2013

August 16, 2013 Day 86   Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia
Portage Cove at anchor
Near Canso, Nova Scotia, Canada

As hoped, the winds subsided overnight and we able to depart at 6:30 this morning.  We stayed in St. George’s Bay until 9:15 when we entered the narrow Canso Strait.  Thirty minutes later, we entered the Canso Lock with Outbound and were pleased that the lockmaster said we could just float in the middle. This is the last lock on the down east loop which brings our total on this trip to twenty-five locks. 
Outbound leaving the Canso Lock

Town of Canso
By 11:00 we were out of the Canso Strait and in another large body of water, the Chedabucto Bay.  We were fortunate to have calm water today.  We passed the little town of Canso to our starboard side, well defined by the church steeple.

Ron taking Gizmo to shore
Outbound at anchor in Portage Cove
We chose Portage Cove for an anchorage which is past Canso and on the eastern shore, but protected from the Atlantic Ocean.  Portage Cove is surrounded by rocks, some of which are in the middle of the cove.  This reminded us of the Georgian Bay where we were last summer on the Great Loop. There are gray seals, herons, and other birds here to entertain us.

Carried Away silhouetted
in the sunset at anchor
We cooked dinner on the grill and then took the dinghy to Outbound to visit until the sun set.

We hope to go to the town of Liscomb tomorrow. They have a very small marina, so we will see if we can fit in or go to a mooring ball. At any rate, we need to get water and more fuel soon!  We are at last heading south and should be in Halifax in a few days.