August 18, 2013

August 17, 2013 Day 87   Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia
Harbour Cove at anchor
New Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada

Our hopes to go to the town of Liscomb today were dashed soon after we left our peaceful cove at 7:15 and entered the Atlantic Ocean. We went about 2 to 3 miles offshore to avoid the jagged, uneven coastline.  For four hours we faced waves from one to two meters on the bow (3+’ to 7’) with no reprieve.  Then to make matters worse, we ran into fog at 9:40.  We talked with Outbound on the radio to discuss Plan B – to find a safe harbor.  There were some that we could not get into because we would have had to cut across too soon and we could not take those waves on the beam.  So, we had to continue farther and adjust our course to arrive at the shore more gradually.  Outbound was in front of us and arrived at New Harbour Cove first, announcing that it was a different world in there – calm, sunny, and no fog!  We were about 15 minutes behind them and could only spot them on radar!  What a relief when the veil lifted at 1:15 and we could see them anchored in the welcoming cove.  It is lined with some hillside houses, many trees, rocks, and a sandy beach area. We dropped anchor and took some time to decompress and then put things away that had to be stowed.  (More things than usual for sure!)

After lunch Bill took a nap while Joyce baked brownies and read.  Chocolate seemed in order after our harrowing ordeal all morning. By mid-afternoon, we were ready to venture out in the dinghy. First stop was to drop off some brownies to Ron and Lisa. Then we headed for the beach and pulled the dinghy up on the shore.  We walked on the beach for a little while but since the tide was coming in and we had nothing to secure the dinghy, we had to take it back to Carried Away. Did you know our dinghy is unofficially called “A Little Carried Away”?
The beach at New Harbor Cove

We decided spaghetti and meatballs was on the menu for dinner. 

We will try to go back out in the Atlantic tomorrow and head for Liscomb.