August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013 Day 89   Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia
Liscombe Lodge Dock
Liscomb Mills, Nova Scotia, Canada

Today was a busy day. Joyce went to the grocery store with Ron, Lisa, and Shannon. It was a thirty minute drive each way and we were grateful to be able to borrow the dockmaster’s car!  In the meantime, Bill had repairs to do. We discovered water on the galley floor (twice) and Bill finally discovered the source – a broken hot water pipe under the sink. He did get it repaired and everything is ok now.  Other tasks included getting more laundry done.

We cooked dinner on the grill and then met the gang down at the fire pit for a fun evening sitting in front of the blazing fire that Richard kept going – all this under a beautiful full moon.  We had such a good time. Richard also had chocolate dipped strawberries for everyone in honor of Ron’s birthday! 

We will likely be here tomorrow as we wait for the waves in the ocean to subside.  It is a good place to be but we do want to head south soon. We are a two day ride to Halifax.  Today, two of the boats, Cheryl Ann and Esmeralda headed back up the river. Shortly after they reached the ocean they turned around and rejoined us.