September 26, 2013

September 26, 2013  Day 127  
Rockport Harbor
Rockport, Massachusetts

Carried Away docked in front of Motif #1
This was our second day in Rockport, and we spent the morning walking around the town and stopping in the little shops. The shops arrange from art galleries, jewelry stores, clothing stores, pottery stores, candy stores, and general gift shops.  We enjoyed browsing and meeting the shop keepers.  We also had time to take many more photos.  Most of the people here were walking around with cameras!  There is no lack of subject material to photograph!

A typical narrow street filled with shops
More shops - note the residences above
Guess what these floats are!
Great view of the breakwater jetty!
We had lunch and dinner on board and spent a quiet afternoon reading, working on hobbies, contacting more marinas to make reservations, ordering parts, arranging for mail to be delivered, etc.  Logistics!

Tomorrow we will make a 56 mile trip to Sandwich, MA and stay at a marina. Sandwich is the oldest town on Cape Cod and we hope to arrive early enough to see some of the town.