August 26, 2014

August 25,26 2014  Days 120-121  Chesapeake Bay
At Anchor, Marshyhope Creek, Nanticoke River
Near Brookview, MD

Broad Creek

We don't usually see farmers at work 

Charts are not always right!  This shows us on land
but we cruised at least two more miles with
plenty of water on Marshyhope Creek
The 11' bridge at Brookville - end of the creek ride for us!

The bridge did open as promised and we left promptly at 3:00pm and retraced our route down part of the river. We decided to check out Broad Creek as a possible anchorage and cruised on it for two hours, returning near the entrance to the creek to anchor. It is another meandering, narrow creek with houses dotting the side in many places.  We had an amazing quiet night and the stars lit up the sky!

We departed that anchorage at 0800 today and traveled five miles to the entrance of Marshyhope Creek. We then cruised another five miles up the creek and could go no farther due to an eleven foot bridge that does not open. So, we turned around and anchored about ¼ mile from it.  A resident came out and took our picture when we turned around. We doubt that many big boats come up the creek this far! This is another quiet spot. We only saw one fishing boat and two jet skis today!

Bill took advantage of the warm engines and changed the engine oil this afternoon.  Joyce worked on reading and budgeting!  She also took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and posted the video on Facebook.

We will spend one more night here and plan to take a dinghy ride on Wednesday.