August 27, 2014

August 27, 2014  Day 122  Chesapeake Bay
At Anchor, Marshyhope Creek, Nanticoke River
Near Brookview, MD

We spent another day here at anchor as planned.  We woke to fog that lifted by 8:00.  In the afternoon, we took a long dinghy ride farther up the creek, under two low bridges that are not a problem for the dinghy! 

Love the reflection of the sunrise mixed with fog

Fisheries Services dropping nets

Bridge at Brookview
The creek is lined with trees and a few houses.  Lily pads line the edges as they do on the river that the creek joins.  We spotted men in a fishing boat dropping a long net with floats. They pulled over to talk to us and explained that they are with a Fisheries Service. They are attempting to catch the sturgeon that inhabit this area. They will then tag them with a telemetry device and release them.

We also saw eagles, vultures, and an egret on our dinghy ride.

We had dinner on board and made plans to depart in the morning, We still have to go five miles back out of this creek and then head back down the Nanticoke River. We will return to the town of Vienna and spend another night at their free dock.