September 11, 2014

September 9-11, 2014  Days 135-137  Chesapeake Bay
Cambridge Town Marina
Cambridge, MD

Bill and Laura Bender were our mentors!
Bill helped serve on social committee
We have been immersed in the MTOA Northern Rendezvous this week!  We attended seminars on topics such as boat maintenance, useful tools, electronics, ecology of the Chesapeake Bay, tips on cruising Long Island, cruising the Triangle Loop, and more.  We ate way too much food, met many people and made new friendships, helped work on the social committee, and we learned more about the way MTOA is structured. We have had several informal gatherings as well as planned events. We have had a great time and are glad we could attend!

We will leave early tomorrow (Friday) and travel 63 miles to the Maryland Yacht Club on Rock Creek, just off the Patapsco River.  We were there a month ago! This will be our home base for the next three weeks.  On Saturday, good friends Donna and Amado will join us for the weekend.  We plan to cruise ten miles to Baltimore and observe as many of the Star Spangled 200 Celebration as we can – tall ships, Blue Angels, fireworks, and more. We hope we can anchor out in designated areas to be able to see everything, and then return to the Yacht Club on Sunday.