August 13, 2015

August 12-13, 2015  Days 53-54 New York Summer 2015
Waterford Harbor Visitors Center
Waterford, NY

The past two days have been challenging, but we are happy to say we are at the end of our journey on the canals and are back in Waterford where we began one month ago. We are glad we took this trip all the way to the 1000 Islands. The scenery has been beautiful and peaceful and we have met very nice people!

damage to the bowsprit
We left Canajoharie yesterday morning and traveled 37 miles. This included transiting five locks.  We did ok in the first four locks in spite of having slightly higher winds at 10-15 mph. However we had major problems in the last lock of the day.  The wind pushed the bow of the boat over the sill soon after we got tied up. The lockmaster pushed us back over to make us parallel to the lock and then he walked away. He then began lowering the water level and did not look back to see the process had repeated itself, and by now the bowsprit had lodged itself on the sill as we were being lowered.  It raised the bowsprit and caused a great deal of structural damage to it with large cracks in several places.  We eventually got through the locking process and tied up on a lock wall for the night about four miles farther away (our planned destination).  We have talked with our insurance company and everything will be taken care of – it is just a very frustrating and exhausting experience. We are fortunate that we were not injured in the process!
more damage
Today was our final day of 23 miles and six locks. The wind was lighter and we did fine. We arrived in Waterford and got tied up on their floating dock just before 1:00.  We were exhausted and did not do much of anything after we arrived. The boat needs cleaning and we need to go to a grocery store but that will wait until tomorrow. We even located an Italian restaurant that delivered dinner to us!
Just after sunset - love the clouds reflected on the water -
our view tonight in Waterford
We hope to stay here three days and get reorganized and rejuvenated!