December 11, 2015

December 10-11, 2015  Days 18-19  South for the Winter 2015-16
Brunswick Landing Marina
Brunswick. GA

On Thursday we traveled about six hours from an anchorage on the Vernon River to one on the Duplin River.  We had a very good cruising day including crossing St. Catherine’s Sound.  We intentionally anchored in the Duplin River at low tide.  Just beyond that is the Little Mud River and we definitely wanted to avoid that at low tide!

We left our anchorage this morning (Friday) and headed south again.  Again we had a sunny and calm day which continues to amaze us! There is also very little boat traffic.  We passed the bridge at St. Simon’s at 1015.  By 1115 we were approaching Brunswick Landing Marina. At that point we received a call on the radio from a sailboat that had left the marina but had engine problems. He was just trying to caution us since he was in our path.  Bill immediately told the captain that we would tow him back to the marina.  We were able to do this successfully and all turned out well.  We stopped at the fuel dock first and then tied up for the night. 

The ICW is like glass!
We decided not to take a walk into the town since we were both tired. So, Joyce did laundry on the boat, and then fixed dinner.  We had a quiet afternoon and evening just reading and watching television. 
Towing the disabled sailboat

Tomorrow will be our last day in Georgia when we anchor at Cumberland Island.