August 5, 2012

August 5, 2012  Day 86    St. Amant's Marina, Britt  Total miles to date:  1614.5

Staying at St. Amant’s Marina a third day was a wise decision. The wind had to be blowing at least 25-30 knots.    Everyone made sure their lines were extra well secured. We did a few more boat chores and trip planning. Joyce and Sarah took a half mile walk to the Britt Post Office this morning and talked to some of the locals on the way back. They do insist there are black bear, moose and rattlesnakes here!  They have moose – car accidents here like we do with the deer at home.
In the afternoon we all watched the Coast Guard rescue a sailboat whose sail became torn in the wind. They were finally able to get the sail taken down and then anchored.

We went over to visit Brooks and Sarah on Our Time for appetizers and had a fun visit.  A quick dinner on board, and our Sunday was over before we knew it. 
We plan to depart early tomorrow morning if the wind isn’t too bad! We will not have wifi until perhaps Wednesday when we are scheduled to be in Killarney.