August 8, 2012

August 6, 2012  Day 87        Muskrat Bay       Total miles to date:  1659.5

We left St. Amant’s Marina at Britt at 7:30 am with the other Looper boats.  We retraced our route through the Byng Inlet which eventually took us zig zagging through two narrow cuts, Cunningham’s Channel and Roger’s Gut in the Georgian Bay. Soon after that Bill announced that we had reached the most northern part of our trip.
Following Our Time through the maze
We passed the Bustard Islands and by now were out in the big part of the bay. By 11:00 we had waves from 3-4 feet on the bow (which Carried Away prefers), then on the beam as we switched directions.  Our Time was with us then but the other three boats had taken a different route closer to shore – which meant calmer but dealing with rocks and a narrow channel. 

Beautiful but challenging!

By 1:30 we reached Beaverstone Bay and turned in the inlet that gave us more protection. We decided to anchor behind Burnt Island but Our Time needed to go farther to make their schedule work. They have guests joining them in Little Current in two days.  We may catch up with them later.
One September is behind us
Jim's Joy is not far behind!
Our Time finding her way
through the markers

Fast forward to 4:30 – Bill decided the anchor was not holding well enough so we moved to Muskrat Bay where three sailboats were anchored.  By 5:00 we were once again settled.  It was a long day as we covered 45 miles!
We had pasta for dinner and then watched a movie. We will move on tomorrow to a new anchorage, but we will have a much shorter day. 

Note, for ease in seeing where we are, we are now including our location in the heading after the date. Maybe we will go back and change previous entries as time permits.