September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012  Day 122      Joliet, IL       Total miles to date:  2471.6

Today was a good day to stay in Joliet.  We got some boat chores done and also worked on our schedule for the next month.  We want to be in Green Turtle Bay on Lake Barclay by September 24 and planned potential stops along the way. Two of Joyce’s sisters will visit us for a couple of days and our oldest two grandchildren will visit us while we are there in early October.  We made a reservation for 3 weeks to give us time to relax and have plenty of time for visits!
Dinner with Barb and Skip (Moor $tuff)
We were so happy that Gold Loopers Skip and Barb (Moor $tuff) drove down to visit us this afternoon. We last saw them in Waterford, New York.  Barb took Joyce to the grocery store while Skip and Bill visited on our sundeck.  Then we all went to dinner at the new Paula Dean’s restaurant at Harrah’s here in Joliet.  It was so good to see them again! We stay in touch through texts, email, and phone calls but seeing them again in person was perfect!
More Loopers arrived today at the wall here in Joliet: Snow Cat (whom we met at the spring Rendezvous) and Our Bubble who are traveling with their two young children. Loopers on Tango are also still here.

Tow pushing a very large barge
coming under the bridge near us
We watched more tows pushing their barges going up and down the river today. Tomorrow we will leave Joliet and head to Seneca.