August 31, 2013

August 31, 2013 Day 101  Lower Bay of Fundy
Killam Brothers Marina
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

An appropriate weathervane on the clock tower
in Yarmouth!
We have all decided to stay in Yarmouth today.  The next weather window may be Monday.  We went to the Visitor’s Center and then to the Farmers Market this morning and came back with bread, orange cake, fresh corn on the cob, fresh yellow and green beans, and lemon pepper pasta – a successful trip!

Next, we stopped at a marine supply store and picked up a small anchor for the dinghy.  Joyce and Lisa went to a few other shops downtown while Bill took the food back to the boat.  The afternoon was spent chart plotting, napping, and reading – just relaxing after our long day yesterday.

We had dinner on board and then watched a movie. It is foggy and very gray outside and is not a good evening for a walk.  We will probably be here tomorrow unless the forecast improves. 

Here is an interesting quote from the town of Yarmouth’s website: Yarmouth sits at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy which is known for having the highest tides in the world and being the second roughest body of water on Earth.”   We will cross the southern part of the Bay of Fundy when we depart for Grand Manan Island!